Панама сияет на Всемирном конгрессе ICCA

Сусана Лау из IEEE Panama представила инновационное видение для индустрии мероприятий на Конгрессе ICCA в Абу-Даби, позиционируя Панаму как ключевое направление делового туризма.

Панама сияет на Всемирном конгрессе ICCA

Сусана Лау из IEEE Panamá participated in the 63rd ICCA Congress, held at the ADNEC convention center in Abu Dhabi, presenting an innovative vision for the future of the event industry in Panama.

During her intervention, Lau highlighted the growth of Panama as a strategic destination for business tourism. Susana emphasized the importance of continuing to innovate and improve infrastructure to attract more international events to the country.

"Panama is consolidating itself as a key destination for high-level events. We must continue to develop our capabilities and offer new experiences for attendees," said Lau.

The president of IEEE Panama also underscored the relevance of establishing international partnerships and promoting sustainability in event organization. These actions are fundamental to maintaining Panama's competitiveness in the global meetings and conventions market.

Susana Lau's participation in the ICCA World Congress contributed to highlighting Panama's potential as a host for international events, strengthening its position in the tourism and business industry worldwide.

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