Today, November 18, marks the founding of the first Republic of Panama in 1840, led by General Tomás Herrera, our national hero. Known as the soldier-citizen, Herrera was described by one of his biographers as "the man who had a pen to defend rights in his sword."
The history of the Republic of Panama is marked by brave leaders like General Tomás Herrera, whose legacy remains alive in the collective memory of the country. The celebration of the founding of the first republic is a reminder of the struggle for independence and freedom of the Panamanian nation.
On this special day, Panamanians honor the memory of those who fought for the freedom and sovereignty of the country. It is an occasion to reflect on the importance of the civic and patriotic values that inspired the heroes of the first Republic of Panama.
The figure of General Tomás Herrera remains a source of inspiration for present and future generations of Panamanians. His courage and determination in defending the rights of the Panamanian people make him a symbol of the struggle for justice and equality in the country.