Politics Country October 20, 2024

Panamá establece Unidad de Coordinación del Consejo de Seguridad

El gobierno de Panamá ha creado una nueva Unidad de Coordinación que funcionará durante 28 meses, enfocada en el fortalecimiento de su participación en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU.

The Panama created a new Managing Unit for coordinating the work of the UN Security Council. This unit will operate for 28 months.

According to the statement, this initiative further confirms the country’s commitment to supporting peace and security on a global scale. The new Managing Unit aims to coordinate Panama’s participation in various events and missions held by the UN Security Council.

One of the key aspects of its activities will be ensuring effective dialogue and interaction between Panama and other members of the UN Security Council, to achieve common goals related to maintaining peace and stability. The Managing Unit will actively work on promoting Panama’s interests and participating in various international initiatives in the field of security.

It is important to note that the creation of this new structure reflects Panama's aim to strengthen its influence and activity in the international arena in the context of security and international cooperation. Moreover, it will contribute to more effective implementation of the country’s policies in the field of peace and stability.

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