Panama, a country with a population of barely four million inhabitants, is subjected to groups that keep them impoverished and kidnapped, manipulating their destinies with whims and tricks. This scenario recalls other frustrated revolutionary processes in the region, which culminated in the assassinations of leaders such as Omar Torrijos in Panama and Jaime Roldós in Ecuador.
Currently, Panama and the majority of its neighboring countries in Central and South America face the dominance of a caste of traitorous locals who act to their detriment, promoting corruption and looting. The country has seen a progressive deterioration marked by poverty, increasing debt, and a rise in crime, including the corruption of political and economic elites.
In light of this situation, the Panamanian population is tired of the corruption and impunity of those who squander public funds for their own benefit and that of their close associates. With the upcoming elections, it is crucial for citizens to investigate and monitor candidates and public officials, demanding transparency and honesty in government management.
In this context of crisis and disenchantment, Panama finds itself at a crossroads, needing to confront its structural problems and build a more prosperous and just future for its inhabitants. The call to action resonates in society, which longs for real and effective change in the direction and administration of their country.
In the words of journalist and international analyst Jairo H. Pertuz Suárez, Panama, despite its natural wealth and beauty, faces one of its most challenging moments in the year 2024. Colonized and exploited in the past by foreign powers and local elites, the country urgently needs a course correction that ensures sustainable and equitable development for all its citizens.