Artificial intelligence was consulted about the ten books that, according to it, every Latin American should read throughout their life. Below are the recommendations given by the AI.
Among the suggested literary works are classics of literature as well as contemporary texts that address relevant themes for Latin American culture. The artificial intelligence highlighted the importance of diversity in genres and styles to enrich the reading experience.
One of the recommended books was "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Márquez, considered a fundamental work of Latin American literature. Additionally, the reading of "Pedro Páramo" by Juan Rulfo was suggested, another emblematic work of literature in Spanish.
Besides novels, the AI also included essays and history books in its list of recommendations. Among the mentioned works are "Open Veins of Latin America" by Eduardo Galeano and "Conversation in the Cathedral" by Mario Vargas Llosa.
The AI emphasized the importance of Latin American literature for understanding the cultural and social diversity of the region, as well as for reflecting on its history and current challenges. Through these readings, the aim is to promote greater knowledge and appreciation for the cultural richness of Latin America.