Panamanian government approves credit to Minsa

The Cabinet Council of Panama authorized an additional credit of more than 15 million balboas to the Ministry of Health for the payment of extra shifts for medical staff and administrative personnel.

Panamanian government approves credit to Minsa

The Cabinet Council approved an additional supplementary credit to the General State Budget for the fiscal year 2024, destined for the Ministry of Health (Minsa) for an amount of 15 million 413 thousand 307 balboas. This measure will cover the payments for extra shifts for medical professionals, technicians, and administrative staff in the health sector in Panama.

According to the Resolution approved, this additional supplementary credit will contribute to strengthening the health system of the country, ensuring the availability of resources for patient care. The decision was made with the aim of improving the coverage of health services and ensuring adequate compensation for personnel working under extraordinary conditions.

In this regard, the Minister of Health of Panama highlighted the importance of this additional credit for strengthening the public health system and ensuring the quality of care for the population. He also emphasized that investing in extra shift payments is essential to maintain the operability of health centers and ensure an effective response to the needs of citizens.

In this sense, it is expected that with the approval of this additional credit, the Ministry of Health will be able to meet the expenses arising from the extra shifts of its personnel, thereby ensuring the continuity of health services in the country. The measure represents an important step in strengthening the Panamanian health system and recognizing the efforts of personnel working on the front lines of care.