Critique of U.S. Policy in Panama

The analysis of the impact of U.S. policies in Panama reveals concerns about human rights, education, and the formation of critical citizens. The policy of Donald Trump and its ongoing influence in the region are denounced.

Critique of U.S. Policy in Panama

The world is in constant evolution, seeking to progress and eliminate inequalities and shameful stigmas. However, issues such as the behavior of Mr. Donald Trump, who attempts to impose his vision of dominance over Panama and the world, continue to generate controversy.

In the context of relations between Panama and the United States, there is an academic formation focused on degrees that do not seek to train critical citizens but rather individuals prepared solely for the labor market. This situation raises questions about the lack of an education that promotes critical thinking and decision-making skills among the Panamanian youth.

In Panama, problems such as political maneuvering, nepotism, and clientelism persist in the selection of ministers and teams, instead of choosing the most qualified and well-trained individuals in each area. These practices, along with the violation of human rights and the presence of crimes, generate an atmosphere of discontent and disrespect towards Panama and other countries in the world.

The author highlights the importance of education and health as fundamental pillars for the development of humanity. In this sense, he points to the United States as a major cause of global harm due to its questionable actions, invasions, and abusive policies that affect various nations, including Panama.

He emphasizes the historical debt of the United States to Panama, recalling the occupation of the country for 100 years without economic compensation, as well as the sanctions and the subsequent military intervention. The author's call for responsibility falls on figures such as Donald Trump and his followers, urging a change in their actions and a redirection of their course.

In terms of education, the lack of comprehensive training in primary and secondary education is mentioned, where relevant subjects for the formation of future citizens have been eliminated. This deficiency not only affects Panama but is a widespread problem in many countries around the world.