The Santiago Corregimiento Representative, Carlos Ruiz, expressed his concern about the 50% reduction of the PIOPS Program for Community Boards and the 100% elimination of PIOPS for municipalities, pointing out that this measure directly harms the communities by depriving them of these resources. Ruiz, along with several Representatives and Mayors, appeared before the Municipal Affairs Commission of the National Assembly on Tuesday, October 22, chaired by Deputy Jorge Herrera, to express their disagreement with the budget cut that affects the work of the Community Boards in serving the communities.
In this meeting, a cut of 43 million dollars, half of the 86 million budgeted for these entities by law, was addressed. In light of this situation, representatives from different political factions have united in defense of the interests of the communities. Both the Finance Minister, Fausto Fernández, and the President of the National Assembly, Dana Castañedas, along with other deputies and parliamentarians, are seeking a solution to the problem and recognize the importance of the struggle that is being fought.
In the words of Carlos Ruiz: "It is not the Representatives or Mayors that are being affected by the budget reduction, but rather the communities that are directly harmed as they are left without those resources." The battle for the defense of the funds allocated to the Community Boards and municipalities is expected to receive a supportive response this Friday, giving voice to the needs of the communities in Panama.