The Agricultural Research Institute of Panama has experienced multiple positive changes carried out by its committed staff in collaboration with national and international advisors. This institution has no background based on agricultural research, a fundamental pillar for innovations in agricultural production.
The minister must recognize the need for laws to align with the sector they pertain to. The current bill proposal seems to undermine copyright by allowing research projects to be subjected to quinquennial review, putting at risk the meritocracy of those involved in the sector and in the institution.
It is essential that high-level academic staff participate in the discussions raised, bringing their experience and knowledge. The official proposal seems to direct the IDIAP towards an uncertain political direction, which could affect its quality and efficiency.
The suitability of selected staff for management positions is crucial, and it should not only be based on academic degrees but also on relevant qualities and values. Any proposed changes that could affect the autonomy and excellence of the institution must be carefully evaluated.
The IDIAP has significantly contributed to national agricultural development over the years, with innovative discoveries that have improved food production in Panama. The new bill proposed by the Minister of Agricultural Development is concerning, as it seeks to create an Institute of Agricultural Research and Innovation, endangering the autonomy and effectiveness of the existing IDIAP.
The current proposal threatens to increase the politicization of the institution and weaken its functioning. It is essential to ensure the selection of suitable personnel, especially in technical and administrative roles, to maintain excellence in agricultural research and innovation.
The dismissal of qualified personnel without proper evaluation could harm both the institution and the agricultural sector in general. It is necessary to reflect on the possible impacts of the proposed changes and seek solutions that promote excellence and effectiveness in the Agricultural Research Institute of Panama.