The bill to reform the Social Security Fund addresses the need to tackle certain issues for its improvement. Among them, the importance of establishing an efficient and fair retirement system stands out. It is essential to carefully compare the current proposals with the goal of achieving the best possible system that benefits all insured individuals.
In this regard, it is crucial to recognize that there are realities in the Social Security Fund that must be urgently confronted. The institution cannot continue to operate in the same way, nor can it be viewed solely as a business. Both the Government and the deputies must understand the importance of listening to society in this process, as Social Security plays a vital role in the well-being of the nation.
It is necessary to focus on improving specific aspects of the reform law, considering that Social Security is the soul of the country. Legislative change cannot be limited to superficial aspects but must deeply address the needs and concerns of the insured population.
The solution to the challenges of the Social Security Fund lies in addressing the various distortions present in the country. It is imperative to work together to implement reforms that strengthen and improve the functioning of this vital institution for the well-being of citizens.