Protests at UP Investigated by Anticorruption Office

The Anticorruption Office is investigating the incident involving a patrol car fire during protests between university students and the National Police at the UP. The situation escalated, leading to increased tensions and concerns for public safety.

Protests at UP Investigated by Anticorruption Office

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office is investigating the burning of a National Police patrol car during protests at the University of Panama. The incident occurred amid clashes between students and police forces.

According to the official statement, the disturbances erupted when students protested against certain policies implemented by the government. The situation escalated and resulted in vandalism, including the burning of the police vehicle.

Authorities have expressed their concern about the escalation of violence and are committed to clarifying what happened. So far, no serious injuries have been reported as a result of these events.

"It is unfortunate that these protests have resulted in such violent acts. We are working to identify those responsible and bring them to justice," stated an official spokesperson.